RAWA Law Group APC

Experienced. Aggressive. Trial Lawyers. Abogados Litigante. Experiencia. Agresividad.


Get a Superb Unpaid Overtime attorney San Diego, CA

Hire a professional San Diego Unpaid overtime attorney

San Diego Unpaid overtime attorney

When an employer chooses to pay you less than what you actually deserve, a hostile situation is gradually being created in the work place. Rather than allowing yourself to fall into despair when you have being denied of the overtime payments you are eligible to receive, we recommend that you speak to a qualified attorney. One who would help spear-head your march towards the recovery of settlements that you deserve. Your attorney of choice will help you understand the stipulates of the law as regards unpaid overtime, evaluate your case keenly and also give you a solid representation in court after carefully collating all necessary evidence.

San Diego Unpaid overtime attorneyRawa Law Group is one of California’s top leading firms in the sphere of Unpaid Overtime cases; we have a team of highly competent and experienced legal practitioners who will handle your case with utmost fervor and devotion. We are not newbies in the industry, as we have gained for ourselves an impressive following through the years, raking in hundreds of millions worth in settlements for many grateful clients.

Our Unpaid Overtime attorneys in San Diego will be your voice and your victor. We are willing to carrying on your case without imposing anyfor our services until we have brought you the compensation that you need. We also will be there for you, providing a personal one-on-one advocacy.

Kindly reach us via the address below!

Rawa Law Group
5843 Pine Ave
Chino Hills, CA 91709

Practice Areas
Áreas de práctica

5843 Pine Ave Suite A Chino Hills CA 91709






Monday to Friday
From 8:00 am to 5:00 pm