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Find an expert Chula Vista Wage and hour Attorney
Chula Vista Wage and hour Attorney
Minimum wage is the accepted lowest sum a worker can be paid; it is, therefore, unlawful for your employer to pay you less than that for any reason. Some employees do not speak out against such cruel and inconsiderate treatment due to their fear of losing their jobs, but this ought not to be. If you or someone you know is being paid below the accepted minimum wage, speaking out will help ensure that you are paid better and that your employers are brought to book for their unkind and illegal practice. Your expert attorney will collate all that is required for your claim to succeed in court. This includes getting all relevant documents and reports, as well as aiding with submissions and meeting up with deadlines.
With our premium legal services at Rawa Law Group, you can rest assured that you will get nothing but the best treatment. Our Wage and Hours attorneys in Chula Vista are utterly competent and devoted to ensuring the law is satisfied to the letter. We will go above and beyond in establishing the truth of your claim and bringing you the compensation that you deserve.
We are ready to go on with your case without receiving any financial remuneration in advance; it is our desire to make the entire process as convenient for you as possible.
Do reach us via the address below and get your case evaluated today, totally free of charge.
Rawa Law Group
5843 Pine Ave
Chino Hills, CA 91709