RAWA Law Group APC

Experienced. Aggressive. Trial Lawyers. Abogados Litigante. Experiencia. Agresividad.


Hire an Experienced Motorcycle Accident Attorney San Bernardino, CA.

With the increasing rate of drunk drivers and other driving offenses like improper turning, high speed and failure to yield to traffic signs, motorcycle accidents have become something of a worry. When it does happen, it leaves victims in pains (both physical and psychological) and anger. To receive full compensation for the damages, you may have to hire the services of an experienced motorcycle accident attorney. The success or failure of your case depends on the reliability and prompt interference of the accident lawyer.

In San Bernardino, CA, you can acquire the services of a reliable legal practitioner by contacting us at Rawa Law Group.
We have built a reputation for ourselves over the past 55 years in discharge of legal services for victims of motorcycle accidents. We offer our clients initiatives such as zero upfront cost of consultation and payment only after winning a case.
We make bold to say we have some of the best motorcycle attorneys in California because we have helped numerous accident victims to maximize their accident claim settlement and also ensure they get paid in full. While working with you, you enjoy flexible hours of appointments and also become privy to every move we make as per your case.

Rawa Law Group also allows clients to get personal attention from a qualified accident attorney (at our office, client’s home or hospital) who also doles out ethical legal advice without any hidden charges.

The Foremost Motorcycle Accident Attorney in San Bernardino

San Bernardino's most experienced motorcycle accident attorneysCalifornia has more licensed motorcyclists than any other state in the country and it’s no surprise given our beautiful weather and scenic roads: it’s always motorcycle season in California! Unfortunately, this does not mean our roads are also the safest for motorcyclists. In 2013 alone, more than 93,000 motorcyclists were killed or injured in auto accidents according to Department of Transportation (DOT) data. Due to rising gas prices, leading to more drivers utilizing low mileage alternatives such as motorcycles and scooters, these numbers may continue to rise.

California is unique due to its lane splitting law that allows motorcyclists to ride between traffic lanes to pass slow traffic. While this is legal, it can also be risky for motorcyclists. Motorcycle riders are among the most vulnerable motorists on the road and generally suffer more severe injuries and higher fatality rates when accidents occur. According to the government, motorcycle accidents are about 35 times more likely to result in death than car accidents.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a motorcycle accident, a motorcycle accident attorney in San Bernardino can help you protect your rights and seek fair compensation for your injuries and losses.

Causes of San Bernardino Motorcycle Accidents
Even very safe motorcyclists can get into an accident. There are many factors that contribute to motorcycle accidents in San Bernardino:

  • Head-on collisions: In 78% of head-on collisions, a vehicle strikes the motorcycle from the front.
  • Vehicle turning left: More than 40% of motorcycle crashes involve a vehicle that is turning left, usually at an intersection or while a motorcyclist is trying to pass the vehicle. These accidents are very common because motorcyclists may be difficult for a driver to see while turning. The vehicle making the left-hand turn is usually at fault in these accidents.
  • Lane splitting: Lane splitting is legal, but it often leads to accidents due to limited space to manuever and the fact that drivers do not anticipate a vehicle between lanes of traffic.
  • Alcohol and speeding: Almost 50% of single-motorcycle accidents are caused by alcohol or speeding.
  • Hitting a fixed object: One-quarter of motorcycle fatalities occur when the motorcyclist strikes a fixed object.
  • Road hazards: Motorcycles are vulnerable to hazards on the road like gravel, uneven lane height, and oil spills. Even minor road hazards can cause a rider to be thrown from the motorcycle.

Contact a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in San Bernardino
The motorcycle accident attorneys for San BernardinoDo not speak to the insurance company without talking to a personal injury attorney in San Bernardino to protect your rights. The insurance company will seek to pay you as little as possible to settle your claim, and the settlement may not even cover your losses. Contact Rawa Law Group today for a free consultation with an experienced motorcycle injury lawyer in San Bernardino who will help you review your legal options and rights.

At Rawa Law Group, we have dedicated our energy into relentless advocacy for the injured. So if you need to hire an experienced motorcycle accident attorney in San Bernardino, CA, waste no time to contact us via:

Rawa Law Group
5843 Pine Ave
Chino Hills, CA 91709

Practice Areas
Áreas de práctica

5843 Pine Ave Suite A Chino Hills CA 91709






Monday to Friday
From 8:00 am to 5:00 pm