RAWA Law Group APC

Experienced. Aggressive. Trial Lawyers. Abogados Litigante. Experiencia. Agresividad.


Get a reliable Wrongful Death attorney Riverside, C

A job (a non-virtual location where people go to provide their services in exchange for an agreed wage at the end of an agreed period) is nice to have in the United States, for it helps you with much-needed finances that would go a long way in the everyday management of your life’s expenses. Not many know this, but one of the responsibilities of an employer, outside the prompt payment of wages and salaries is ensuring that the working environment is safe and conducive for the employees.

Now, perhaps you have someone close to you who lost his/her life as a result of hazards at the workplace, hazards that could have been managed better supposing the owner of the establishment paid any attention, you would need a credible and reliable Wrongful death attorney to help ensure that justice is served.

Rawa Law Group is a profound and highly competent league of legal professionals who are committed to helping you in this dire time to ensure that you and your dead is treated right and that justice is served. We are competent because a good number of our attorneys are known nationwide and renowned for their expert services.

You would find it refreshing to know that we do not place any charge on you for our services until after your case is won successfully. This is to show you our degree of confidence in our expertise and our methods.

Looking For a Wrongful Death Lawyer in Riverside California

Losing a loved one is never easy, but it can be especially traumatic to lose someone due to the reckless or careless actions of another. If you are dealing with the financial and emotional consequences of losing someone you love due to the wrongful actions of someone else, a Riverside wrongful death lawsuit by a Riverside wrongful death attorney may entitle you to damages.


wrongful-death-accident-attorney-Riverside-CaIn California, the death of a close family member — which usually includes a spouse, child, or parent — due to the negligence or recklessness of someone else entitles surviving family members to file a wrongful death claim. To file a claim, you must be able to show you suffered a financial and/or emotional hardship as a result of the loss.

Wrongful death claims are civil matters, which means they are not handled by the criminal court. Defendants may be brought before the criminal and civil court for causing a death, however.

Wrongful death lawsuits may be filed due to many situations, including:


A wrongful death claim in California can be very complicated, which makes it important to have the experience of a wrongful death attorney in Riverside working for you. As a survivor, you may file a wrongful death lawsuit to potentially recover three forms of damages:

  • Loss of companionship, affection, moral support, and consortium.
  • Value of household services the decedent would have provided.
  • Value of financial support the decedent would have provided.

Riverside-Ca-wrongful-death-accident-lawyerCalifornia law dictates only certain people may file a wrongful death claim. First in line are the surviving spouse, children, and surviving children of the decedent’s deceased children. Survivors can file a claim separately or jointly.

If there are no survivors who fit into this category, next in line are parents, followed by siblings, children of deceased siblings, then grandparents. A second group of claimants may include putative spouses (or those who can prove they were married but not by law), children of a putative spouse, and step-children. Individuals in the second group can only file a wrongful death claim if they can show they were dependent upon the decedent.


Wrongful death lawsuits must be filed quickly as there is a statute of limitations. If you have suffered the loss of someone you love, a personal injury attorney can help you protect your rights and seek compensation to help you recover financially from the loss and provide for your family.

Contact Rawa Law Group today for a free consultation with a wrongful death lawyer in Riversidewho will help you review your options.

Reach us via the address below to learn more, we would be thrilled to hear from you.

Rawa Law Group
5843 Pine Ave
Chino Hills, CA 91709

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5843 Pine Ave Suite A Chino Hills CA 91709






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From 8:00 am to 5:00 pm