RAWA Law Group APC

Experienced. Aggressive. Trial Lawyers. Abogados Litigante. Experiencia. Agresividad.


Pasadena Attorney

Hire the Best Pasadena Attorney

Pasadena Attorney

While the strides of Pasadena are quite visible, the legal struggles in the city are left unsaid. In Pasadena’s port alone, many personal injury cases have been raised indicating that residents are in urgent need of legal assistance. In such a big city, there are bound to be numerous law firms, but Rawa Law Group isn’t just another legal firm. We are passionate about the welfare of every client, and our highly skilled attorneys always deliver results without making excuses.  

Pasadena AttorneyNursing homes are the last resort for many individuals who can’t seem to handle the welfare of their loved ones on their own. It’s not easy to allow strangers to take care of those you care about especially in your absence. But due to the various commitments of the individuals concerned, they have to entrust the welfare of a loved one to a nursing home. Unfortunately, cases of nursing home abuse have risen to an alarming height. Many caregivers have begun to betray the trust of the families of residents in nursing homes. If a victim is able to speak up regarding an abuse he received from a caregiver in a nursing home facility, loved ones can sue the individual responsible and the outfit under whose watch such a dastardly act was perpetrated. At Rawa Law Group, we are both sympathetic to your plight and willing to ensure those responsible are ruthlessly dealt with according to the law.

With the sensitive nature of the human body, you can sustain an injury at any time. Work injuries are, however, a different ball game. With more strenuous work, your body might find it more difficult to adapt and when you push yourself, an unwanted injury might occur. According to the labor and employment laws, employers are required to provide their employees with insurance coverage which should take care of their welfare if they fall sick or get injured while working. A denied worker’s claim, which involves the insurance company’s failure to fulfill its obligation, can provide a victim with the necessary ammunition for litigation under the right circumstances. With enough proof to substantiate your claim, the insurance company could pay dearly for its poor judgment. Victims of unfulfilled work injury claims can take advantage of the legal services rendered by Rawa Law Group to get their employers to do the needful.   

It’s humiliating to be a victim of discrimination and much worse, if it’s something to do with a permanent disability or a temporary disability. Despite the legal implications of discriminating against people with disabilities, there are still a handful of individuals involved in such a nefarious act. Many of the victims don’t seem to know their rights and even when they do, enforcing such rights can be challenging. A good attorney can help bring those guilty of discriminating against people with disabilities to book. At Rawa Law Group, we have competent attorneys with a perfect understanding of the rights of those living with disabilities, and they are enthusiastic about ensuring those involved face the wrath of the law.

Employment opportunities abound in Pasadena. With the number of high profile enterprises in the city, the financial benefits should be quite substantial. However, a lot of the residents are unaware of the stunning number of unlawful termination that takes place in many of these establishments.  Also, most of these companies have the wherewithal to hire expensive law firms to do their bidding. Apparently, victims of such injustice are left to sulk about their misfortune. Well, it’s no longer business as usual for these companies. Rawa Law Group would be glad to assist victims to get the justice they deserve. With the input of our attorneys, their employers will have no choice but to either reinstate them or pay them adequate compensation for the turmoil they passed through in the aftermath of such injustice.  

In Pasadena, many households have to put in extra hours at their place of engagement just to get by. Many don’t wish this for themselves, but they are faced with numerous bills and with only a single income stream to help their situation. It becomes messy when they are either left with an overtime exemption or they are not paid for the extra hours they put in at work. While an hourly employee can be a victim of circumstance, issues like this can lead to a lawsuit against the employer. While this should be the best opportunity for an ambitious employee to demand settlement and help his family, many don’t see it as such, and they don’t take the necessary action. Employees at the receiving end of such unwholesome behavior by their employer can sue them to court and get settled accordingly for the unpleasant nature of that phase. Rawa Law Group would gladly provide the skilled professionals to handle the case.

Pasadena is heavily populated, and many of its residents are pedestrians depending on the situation. Many of the roads in the city were not built with the welfare of pedestrians in the picture. Pedestrians have to do their bit, but that’s not always enough. An under the influence accident can happen, and the unlucky pedestrian pays the ultimate price – death. If it’s a hit and run accident, the driver scurries away from the scene to avoid legal action. A pedestrian lawyer can ensure those found guilty pay dearly for the pain they caused the victims. At Rawa Law Group, we have experienced pedestrian lawyers who are familiar with cases of this kind.

Avail yourself the opportunity to get premium legal representation and advice from the qualified attorneys at Rawa Law Group. You can contact us through our phone line 1844-444-1400, and we will be glad to hear from you.

Rawa Law Group
5843 Pine Ave
Chino Hills, CA 91709

Practice Areas
Áreas de práctica

5843 Pine Ave Suite A Chino Hills CA 91709






Monday to Friday
From 8:00 am to 5:00 pm