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Work Injury Attorney Los Angeles: Your Path to Justice

Find the Best Work Injury Attorney Los Angeles

Los Angeles Work injury attorney

Proper training can help reduce workplace injuries. It will introduce you to the equipment you need to use and the safety precautions in place at your company. Sometimes, workplace accidents still occur. Thankfully, you can contact a work injury attorney Los Angeles to help you win compensation.

California Workplace Injuries

There are many reasons people get hurt at work in California. You could fall, have exposure to toxins, overexert yourself, or get into a road accident. On average, 400 people a year in California die due to workplace injuries!

Types of Workplace Accidents

As mentioned above, there are several types of workplace accidents you may experience in California. The most common are below.

  • Falls and trips
  • Caught in machinery
  • Overexertion from lifting heavy objects
  • Repetitive motions
  • Exposure to toxic substances
  • Road accidents
  • Poor safety standards in the workplace

How to Complete a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Every employer in California has to have a workers’ compensation insurance policy. It protects any employee when they experience a work-related injury. It does not matter who is at fault. There are several types of compensation you can seek from a workers’ compensation claim, including those options below.

Payment for medical bills associated with the injury

  • Wage replacement
  • Vocational training
  • Death benefits
  • Temporary disability
  • Permanent disability

Contact a Work Injury Attorney

Contact a work injury attorney Los Angeles with Rawa Law Group as soon as possible. We will help you file your workers’ compensation claim to get the maximum compensation. You do not need to go through this process alone.

Los Angeles Work Injury Attorney





Work Injury Lawyer in Los Angeles

Los Angeles Work injury attorney

Contact us via the address below for a free case evaluation.
Rawa Law Group
5843 Pine Ave
Chino Hills, CA 91709

Practice Areas
Áreas de práctica

5843 Pine Ave Suite A Chino Hills CA 91709






Monday to Friday
From 8:00 am to 5:00 pm