RAWA Law Group APC

Four Things a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Do For You

It is always very painful when you are at the receiving end of injustice or negligence. It is agonizing and unpleasant. It is even more painful when the person or persons responsible for your misery do not see a need to compensate you or provide succor. It’s like rubbing salt to a big wound. To get compensation or force the hands of these companies or individuals, it is important to hire a personal injury lawyer. These lawyers are trained to help you reclaim your right. Although you have the option of defending yourself since you are the plaintiff and you understand the case history, it is always better to hire a personal injury lawyer because their expertise and experience will surely come in handy. Here are four reasons why it is best to consider a personal injury lawyer. They know how to present your case in court: From judicial precedence, an experienced attorney knows the facts to present in the court of law. A personal injury case isn’t just about your ability to prove that you were hurt. There could be a need to reach out to an expert witness. You can’t bring just any witness if you want to stand a chance of victory. Also, the judge wouldn’t accept just any evidence. You must understand that testifying alone isn’t enough. You need an experienced person to hold you by the hand and it is only a personal injury attorney that can help in this regard since they understand the nuance of such cases. Negotiating an out of court settlement: It is very possible to save time and avoid a rigorous trial by reaching an agreement out of court. This is done after the personal injury lawyer weighs your chances of victory in court and the strength of available evidence and witness. However, if the lawyer feels there is a high chance of victory in court, a trial may be the best bet. The personal injury lawyer will also look at verdict and judgment from past similar cases before making a decision or giving a piece of advice. Meet deadlines: Litigation has a lot to do with timing and deadlines. There is a time frame attached to every legal stage. Filing, documentation, and provision of pieces of evidence are all time-bound and failure to meet up with deadlines could mean dismissal of the case. Prevent transfer of the case to a different court: There is a lot of politics involved in a personal injury case. Usually, corporate defendants try to move such cases from state to federal cases due to perceived leniency in judgment. An experienced personal injury lawyer understands when transferring a case to a different court isn’t favorable to you and does everything to prevent it from happening. If after reviewing and considering all facts and pieces of evidence, the lawyer thinks moving the case to a different court will be of huge benefit to you, he will give appropriate advice on steps to take.

Grocery Slip and Falls

Everywhere you go, everybody owes you a duty of care in some way. The drivers on the roadways must pay attention to your vehicle and show you a duty of care while driving. The same can be said when you enter into a store and slip and fall. This is something that is seen as “preventable,” which means that a store owes you a duty of care to ensure that these accidents do not happen in the first place. If an employee or manager leaves a slippery substance on the floor and fails to clean it up, this is seen as a hazard that the customer might not have seen, especially when a “wet floor” sign is missing from the immediate area. When a store breaches their duty, this is when negligence comes into play. Slip-and-fall injuries are more common than you think, but in almost every situation they are also preventable. If you fell inside a store, one of the first things you may think is that you cannot bring a lawsuit because you failed to buy anything before the accident – and this is far from the truth. A grocery store has legal obligations to their customers that do not begin when you buy something. Instead, they owe this duty all the time. When the supermarket breaches their duty of care, this is known as a negligent act. Slippery floors and aisles count as negligence because the employees should have known about the harm. This is also seen as a premises liability claim because the owners of these big supermarkets understand that customers will constantly be coming and leaving their store, so they have a specific duty to maintain safe premises. Over the years, many slip and fall cases have become a centerfold in the media after causing very serious injuries that forever changed the lives of the victims. In fact, in 2012 a plaintiff slipped on a puddle of soap in a Costco store and shattered her kneecap. Many Costco employees knew about the spill but proceeded to walk right past it, ignoring it. Costco was ordered to pay over $400,000 for the woman’s medical expenses, pain, and suffering. Many more cases similar to this one happen every year because of a store’s negligence and failure to adhere to negative conditions. However, these accidents should not be as common as they are because of an employees’ failure to manage the condition. How to Hold the Store Liable The key here is to be able to show evidence of everything that you witnessed before and after your fall. Can you show that a spill sat in an aisle long enough for the store to become aware of its presence? Did the store create the dangerous situation themselves by using an exceptionally slippery wax to clean its floors? Whether or not the store can be held at fault will be the focal point o your case in regards to settlement negotiations. No matter what, if you sustained an injury on somebody else’s property due to an accident, you are likely to receive an injury compensation award. The size will depend upon how much you can prove. (1) (1) https://www.alllaw.com/articles/nolo/personal-injury/stores-liability-slip-fall-accidents.html#

Driving Tips For Around the Holidays

When the season starts to turn and the weather gets cold, it’s time to consider your vehicle on the fall and winter roadways. Thanksgiving is in tow and then we’re headed straight to Christmas, where the roads will turn to ice and snow will land on our vehicles. This is why it is important to be prepared for anything during the holidays, such as the low visibility, snowy conditions, and many distractions that take the lives of many people on the roadways every year during these months. Now you can stay prepared by understanding some of the most dangerous holiday driving hazards and tips you can take with you while driving. Dangerous Roadway Hazards During the holidays, you may be traveling on the roads to celebrate at get-togethers with your family. However, there are some hazards that you must watch out for pertaining to yourself and other drivers who share the roads with you. Distracted Driving: Something as simple as sending a text to your cousin telling them you are on your way for a holiday dinner is enough to cause an accident this season. Put the cell phones away and keep your eyes on the road in the cold weather conditions. Impaired Driving: With many year-end parties happening, you and your family members may be consuming alcohol at some point. Law enforcement has determined that there is an increase in impaired accidents around this time. Pressured Driving: The holidays will sometimes put a strain on people on an emotional and financial level. This is why many drivers will react to these changes negatively by driving too fast for the road conditions, making aggressive lane changes, and failing to yield the right-of-way. Fatigue: Because many activities are happening during this season, people may be sleeping less and increasing their chance of fatigue on the roadways. Get as much sleep as you can before heading out! (1) Long Distance Tips As you may already know, many people who are going to holiday parties during this time of year are driving long distances. Perhaps you are in a situation similar to this yourself. This is why it is a good idea to keep some tips in mind to reduce the likelihood of an accident. Breaks: When you are driving for 11 hours at a time, you will naturally need a break. Not only should you get enough sleep, but you should always plan for small breaks at a rest stop or elsewhere. This helps you avoid fatigue and stretch. You could very easily experience aches from spending 500 miles on the road without a break. Focus: If you are driving extensive highways with nothing to say, you may get bored and distracted. Stay focused and do not let your mind wander. Sharing the Roads: When you are driving long miles, you may encounter many different types of vehicles like tractors or commercial vehicles, which are much larger than your passenger vehicle. Remember blind spots and more. Planning: Be prepared for the unexpected, because it is impossible to tell the future. You may want to prepare a safety kit for first aid, flashlights, blankets, food, and more. (2) By understanding the ways of the road and preparing for your long trip, you can avoid the likelihood of an accident. Many people find themselves in an accident or stranded on the roadways during the holidays, so it is important to keep these tips in mind and stay safe. Call us today if you have been involved in an accident and need our help. (1) https://ehstoday.com/safety/four-most-dangerous-holiday-driving-hazards (2) https://www.farmers.com/inner-circle/car-safety/pro-tips-for-driving-long-distances/

Damages in a Personal Injury Case

Damages will start with finding fault in your claim. Some accidents are not clear when it comes to determining fault, such as car accidents that do not include a rear-end collision. You must alert your claims adjuster to every detail of your car accident and give them an argument regarding who you believe is at fault. From there, when a fault is determined, you will be able to claim damages. Types of Damages Before we get into damages, let’s first discuss what they are. “Damages” are the compensation you will receive from your personal injury based on many costs. When the court is considering damages, they will look at direct financial costs as well as emotional and indirect costs. Compensatory damages are the most common, encompassing specific damages and general damages. Here we will break those down so you can gain a better understanding of what they cover. Specific Damages: These are the specified valued amounts relating to the accident, such as the cost of medical bills, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, and property loss. General Damages: These are the damages that you cannot easily calculate such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, inability to have children, loss of a limb, or loss of consortium. You may also receive something known as punitive damages, which are meant to punish the defendant and keep them from acting in this behavior again. The court will assess whether or not you can receive these damages. (1) In any case, you can call us for an assessment of your personal injury accident. Speak with us today and we will help you as much as possible in regards to receiving the compensation you deserve! (1) https://www.dmv.org/insurance/compensation-for-auto-accident-personal-injury-claims.php

How Do I Know if I Have a Wrongful Death Case?

You may have heard of wrongful death cases in the news, such as the one involving O.J. Simpson. He was found liable for the wrongful death of the two victims in his civil case because they were able to establish guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Wrongful death suits can be confusing at times because of all the elements involved. What needs to be proven in a wrongful death case?   The Elements Involved   If you plan on bringing a wrongful death case, there are many things that you must first be able to prove. Here are just a few of them:   A human being died The death was caused by another person’s negligence or with intention to harm Family members survived who are now suffering monetary injury as a result of the death There was an appointment of a personal representative for the decedent’s estate   Furthermore, there are many circumstances that may call for a wrongful death suit. Some of the causes may be a medical malpractice claim that results in the death of a decedent, an automobile or airplane accident, occupational exposure to hazardous substances, criminal behavior, or death during a supervised activity. Now that you have determined that you have a wrongful death case, you should speak to an attorney about how to file a claim. We can help you find out what damages you are entitled to and how much you should expect for your case. If you are the family or loved one of somebody who died a wrongful death, you deserve justice. We can help. Contact the Rawa Law Group and schedule your free consultation.

Protecting Your Elderly Ones From Scams

When scams are running rampant and targeting the elderly, federal agencies and local consumer organizations will contact people and speak to them about what to watch out for.