RAWA Law Group APC

Where Can I Hire a Truck Accident Attorney?

Truck accidents are terrible. There aren’t any positives to deduce from such an incident. It leads to the destruction of properties and serious injuries. More serious cases may lead to the demise of victims. These accidents are usually caused by varying reasons such as fatigue on the part of the driver since they usually travel long distances, reckless driving, poorly maintained trucks, improper or incorrect loading of trucks, speeding, etc. Truck accident cases are quite complex because the liability is not easy to define. The driver is not the only individual involved hence he may not be the only person to blame. The manufacturer of the vehicle, as well as the company/factory the driver works for, will also have to answer some questions. Trucks are typically large vehicles used for conveying items, and like every other vehicle, they have the right to make use of the highways. Getting involved in an accident with a truck is many a time fatal for occupants of vehicles involved in the collision. If luckily it doesn’t lead to a fatality, there’s the probability of escaping with grievous injuries with may leave the victim incapacitated or disabled. Due to the loss or destruction of one body part or the other, such persons may not be able to perform their normal day to day functions. Hence, they are deprived of their right to earn a living or work for money. As a victim of such an accident, you can lay claim to a certain form of compensations. If you hire a truck accident attorney, you stand a chance of getting compensation for the wrong done to you. What this means is that while you cannot be compensated enough for the loss of your loved ones or their incapacitation, you can receive monetary compensation to ease a few financial burdens. What most people involved in truck accidents who want to make a case don’t know is, not all attorneys can handle such cases. You need to have a skilled personal injury lawyer who is experienced in handling such accident claims. Only a personal injury lawyer of repute should be contacted to represent you in your case of seeking redress or a settlement following a truck accident. You should be ready to research law firms and attorneys who have a proven track record of winning such accident claims for their clients. You should also take into consideration the mode of payment (contingency plans are the most common and best for such cases). You also want to have an attorney who has empathy. If you are in Chino Hills and environs, you should consider hiring a truck accident attorney from Rawa Law Group to represent you and help you make a claim following your accident. We have been in business of delivering results for over 25 years and have helped lots of clients make and win cases. With some of the best personal injury lawyers in state of California, we strive to see our clients’ gets closure following the horrific events of accidents they have suffered. Get in touch with Rawa Law Group today if you need a reliable truck accident attorney.

When Do You Need to Hire a Work Injury Attorney?

Sometimes, workers may be unfortunately involved in a workplace accident and suffer minor to severe injuries. Workplace injuries might be caused by a defective machine or product, an employer’s negligence to work environment safety or a third party. In cases of minor injuries, the solution wouldn’t be far fetched. Victims might just take a few hours or days off and get some pills and that’s it. However, if the case is severe, like causing a permanent disability or illness, there is need for the victim(s) to be compensated. The procedures involved before this compensation can be achieved might be daunting and hence require expert guidance. In such cases, an experienced Work Injury Lawyer comes in handy. Here are Instances When You Need to Hire a Work Injury Lawyer If your injury is severe and you can’t work as you do anymore If your employer and/insurance company have declined your injury claim If you have not been compensated duly If you find it hard to comprehend the work injury compensation process However, there are a few instances when you don’t need to hire a work injury attorney. As said earlier, if your injury is minor and you are being discharged by your doctor that you can get back to work without issues, then you don’t need to hire an attorney. In such cases, your employer has probably given insurance covering your medical bills while letting you have your normal wages. Regardless of the situations surrounding your work injury case, it is always in the best interest to have an expert who will help you navigate the process of making your claim till you’re compensated. Sometimes you might not be in the right state to return to your job and will need to get an alternative. In some states, there are vocational services for individuals that need to get an alternative job when their injury won’t let them return to their former workplaces. A work injury attorney can help with this process and ensure you get the necessary benefits. If your injury is so severe that you cannot work anymore, an attorney can help you file for Social Security Disability benefits. If there happens to be any form of dispute between you and your employer as regards your work injury, your attorney (work injury attorney) will stand in for you. It is best to contact a work injury lawyer as early as possible for a better understanding of your case and representation. Rawa Law Group is a reputable firm when it comes to hiring personal injury attorneys. With more than 3 decades of experience, we have helped injured workers get a smile back on their faces. Our pool of experienced and licensed work injury attorneys are at your back and call for a free consultation. While on your case, we keep you updated and won’t charge a dime until we have reached our goals. What is required is candidness and cooperation from injured persons and we at Rawa Law Group can guarantee only the best legal services.

When Do You Need an Auto Accident Attorney?

Personal injury cases are not always the same. These cases occur in different shapes ways and in varying degrees. For example, damages sustained from using a product, medical malpractice, injuries sustained as a result of a slip or fall, and auto accidents all fall under the category of tort. Tort lawsuits are very common in the United States of America because it offers a platform for the wounded party (plaintiff) to seek reprieve from the offender (often called the defendant) for a wrong done intentionally or unintentionally. Auto accidents are very common and they are caused by different factors. This form of mishap can be caused by a mechanical failure such as brake malfunction or an engine problem. It could also be brought about by human factors such as an intentional plan to kill or hurt the other person or loss of concentration when controlling the steering. However, if you feel that you are at a disadvantage due to an auto accident caused by an intentional act or error from another person, you can seek compensation or judgment legally. As a plaintiff, the only way to present your case in the court of law is through an auto accident attorney. What the auto accident attorney does for you is to help you recover all or part of the damages caused especially if the auto accident is caused by reckless driving. Usually, as a victim of an auto accident, it isn’t immediately this unfortunate circumstance occurs that you drag the defendant to the court of law. There is a grace period. In most states of the federation, defendants have a grace period of two years to regularize. If after this period of two years, the defendant is not seeking to compensate the plaintiff or reluctant to do so, the plaintiff will be right to seek redress in the court of law. Below are some of the scenarios that could warrant involving an auto accident attorney in a personal injury case. If the auto accident results in the death of one or two persons. If several persons come out from the accident hurt or with varying degrees of injuries. If the auto accident prevents you from leading a normal life. If you have spent an extended period of time out of work or school as a result of the accident. If the defendant is unwilling to accept fault for the damages caused or is unwilling to take responsibility for the accident. If you’ve stayed longer than expected in the hospital and your long-term health is affected. If you are unable to cope with the cost of treatment. Sometimes, medical bills could be very high. If you are not getting enough support through insurance after the auto accident. If the accident is beginning to cause emotional trauma, mental issues, immense pain, and suffering. If the legal and medical details of the accident are not clearly stated. If at any point in time you feel you need an experienced auto accident attorney, be sure to reach out to us at Rawa Law Group.

What You Should Know About a Labor and Employment Attorney

Who Is A Labor And Employment Attorney? When employees are being mistreated at their workplace, or there are serious issues between an employer and his/her employee(s), a labor and employment attorney is the one who steps in to establish a truce. A labor and employment attorney briefs both employer and employees on the established legal standards from the local level up to the federal level. Not only does an employment attorney advice employer’s and their workers on legal standards in the workplace, but they are also responsible for employee handbook review, tackle issues associated with wage law as well as stand in to ensure that employees get fair treatment at their place of work. Some employees must have suffered from workplace discrimination or sexual abuse. It is the labor and employment attorney who comes in to ensure that the rights of these people aren’t trampled upon. Employment attorneys are not only useful to employees alone. They equally represent these employers before the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). Additionally, employers seeking guidance on issues pertaining to the National Labor Relations Board can always turn to the employment attorney. Labor Laws and Employment Laws Although people wrongly juxtapose labor laws and employment laws, there exists a sharp difference between both of them from a legal perspective. Failing to know the difference between these terms can have scathing effects on both employer and employee and hence the guidance of a labor and employment attorney is paramount. When You Need an Employment Attorney to Intervene There are a dozen cases when you would need an attorney to intervene; As an employer, your employees show signs of embarking on a strike You want to fire someone who hasn’t performed satisfactorily Your employer is threatening a lawsuit or your employee is willing to file for unfavorable workplace conditions, termination of a contract or unwanted overtime duration. Cost of Hiring a Labor and Employment Attorney As is with most cases and lawyers, your employment lawyer can bill you on an hourly basis. However, in case of a possible damages award, some attorneys will only collect a part of your received funds. Damages payouts are only awarded to employees so labor lawyers only have contingency arrangements with the workers. However, before bringing in an employment attorney, there should be agreement on the percentage or hourly charges before work can proceed. If you are an employee or employer and feel there is a need to hire a reliable labor and employment attorney, then come over to Rawa Law Group. Rawa Law Group is a trusted legal entity that has years of experience in handling both employers’ and employees’ work-related issues. With more than 3 decades of building trust amongst American citizens, Rawa Law Group can help bring lasting peace between employers and their workers. The unbeatable team of licensed and smart attorneys makes all the difference. Take advantage of the free consultation and asks all the questions bothering you. Plus, you do not have to pay exhaustive fees to have access to reliable legal assistance.


Sometimes, we are prone to accidents and injuries at our workplace. You probably type a lot, you risk suffering carpal syndrome. You have to climb a ladder to fix stuff, you risk falling off and breaking a limb. Do you have to lift heavy stuff at work? You also risk suffering back injuries. When you suffer such injuries in the workplace, you deserve some compensation from your employer. This compensation should come as a result of your lost earnings or wages and the medical expenses you must have incurred after the injury. However, if you want to make headway with your injury claim or be duly compensated, you may want to involve the services of a ‘workers’ compensation’ attorney. According to the workers’ compensation laws, anyone injured during active service in the workplace is due to receive the following benefits: Vocational rehabilitation benefits Medical expense benefits Wage reimbursements as well as Temporal and permanent benefits for partial or total disability So What Are The Workers’ Compensation Laws? The workers’ compensation laws were put in place to help employees gain financial benefits or awards in the case of work-related ailments or injuries. A valid injury claim must be one involving a relationship between an employer and an employee – that is when an employee can be solely liable to the employer. The different workers’ compensation laws as upheld by the federal government include The Jones Act, FECA (Federal Employees Compensation Act), and the Long shore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act. Workers’ compensation attorneys carry out various processes before winning a particular case. They are to provide representation for the injured worker as well as the lawyer of the defendant (employer or insurance provider), whose role is to tone down the liability to be pinned on the latter. Workers’ compensation attorneys do claimant duties, where they assist the injured workers in filing the claim as well as defense duties whereby they help reduce the liability to the insurance companies. To excel in a work-related injury case, a well-read and experienced attorney is paramount. This is because you want your case to be handled by an attorney who knows the law of the state and issues surrounding workers’ compensation as well as has several years under the belt in this practice. You want an attorney who has gone to the several workers’ compensation legal training and has obtained a working license. Also, you need a firm or consultant that has the passion and compassion to help injured workers to get their claims. If you are looking to hire experienced and intelligent workers’ compensation attorneys, Rawa Law Group is the place to be. You will be given the full representation you want and your case can be handled from day one till the final day without you paying a dollar until you have been compensated fully. If your employer isn’t paying attention to your claims or the insurance company is trying to downplay their liability, then you should hurriedly hire a workers’ compensation attorney to get full compensation for your pains.

Is Hiring a Motorcycle Accident Attorney Worth It?

Considering that there are specific attorneys capable of handling certain cases, it would be considered a good idea to hire one who focuses on a particular type of cases. Such is the case with personal injury lawyers who are proficient with motorcycle accident cases. If you are faced with a choice of hiring an attorney who understands certain cases and can help you in such cases over hiring a general attorney who’s a jack of all trade, it’s better to hire the experienced and focused one. The question begging for an answer is if you should stick to a motorcycle accident attorney. The answer is yes. If you are involved in a motorcycle accident or know a loved one who is, it is better to have an attorney who is experienced in taking on such cases to help you fight for your right. Motorcycle accidents are common. In the U.S, they are one of the most frequent road accidents caused by a majority of reasons including road rages, drunk driving and more. Many a time, these types of accidents can leave one incapacitated and unable to work. The best cause of action will always be to table your grievances in court. Considering that you may be out of work for a long time and may not be able to fend for yourself and/or your family, a settlement is the least you can get. Also, the medical bills you may incur following your accident can be troublesome to bare. All these points at the need to be financially compensated for troubles and that’s where an attorney comes in. A motorcycle accident attorney would be totally worth it, as such legal luminaries understand how best to follow up such cases to ensure your case is well presented and you win your argument in a competent law court. If an experienced motorcycle accident attorney handles your case, the case might be settled out of court (following a dialogue with the accused) or in court, but what you know is that your case is handled professionally and you stand a chance of victory. If you are worried about where to find an attorney who focuses on motorcycle accident cases, you can rest assured knowing that Rawa Law Group has got you covered. We are a reputable law firm with experienced personal injury lawyers who are referred to as some of the best in California. With our contingency payment plan, you have nothing to worry about. Our accident attorneys who are exceptionally experienced and dependable would do all in their power to see your case is well presented and you come out victorious. All that it takes is a free case evaluation to get started. Evaluating your case will determine if you stand a chance at victory as well as gathering all the facts which would be used to make a case. Most importantly, we work hand in hand with you all through the case and inform you about every action we are taking. Reach out to Rawa Law Group today if you need a motorcycle accident attorney that is worth it.

Find a Sexual Harassment Attorney near You

Sexual harassment isn’t something to be taken with a pinch of salt. Especially when suffered at your place of work. However, let us first be sure of what the term ‘sexual harassment’ entails. What’s Sexual Harassment? When a male or female receives unwanted sexual advances, be it physical or verbal, it is called sexual harassment. Such advances might breed serious tension between the parties involved especially at the workplace. However, there are words that we might regard to be offensive and think of as sexual altercation which might not necessarily be so according to the law. If you have had any form of such experience and is looking to pick up the case, it is only wise to find a sexual harassment attorney near you. How Is A Case Of Sexual Harassment Reported? At a workplace, you do not just go straight to a lawyer if you have been a victim of sexual harassment. Your employer’s policy might not even allow for that. However, you can go over to the Human Resources Manager and tender your case. One of the functions of a sexual harassment attorney is to help you find out who you should tender your case to. Also, in case you are feeling jittery about reporting your case to an employee in the firm (especially if you were harassed by the manager), you can explain the details to the attorney – of course, you might feel calmer and more confident this way. What a Sexual Harassment Attorney Does Before a lawyer advises you to file for sexual harassment, he/she will need some clarifications; Is this a sexual harassment case according to the law? Should the case be reported? How can you avoid such incidence in the future? How can you protect yourself from the employer’s wrath? You might not know how to answer any of these but an attorney can answer them for you. Filing Charges There are formal procedures to filing charges against sexual harassment. If it is an employer (your employer), you can file a ‘charge of discrimination’ with you’re the federal EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). There are pros and cons of doing this which will be made known to you by the attorney. Finding a Reliable Attorney To get anywhere with your case, you need to find an attorney that is experienced in this type of issues. You need an attorney that understands your pain as a victim of sexual harassment and is willing to help you get justice and protect your right. Rawa Law Group is a firm that has a team of passionate and experienced lawyers whose goal is fighting for the oppressed – lending a voice to the voiceless. The firm has spent several years in the industry and has helped many sexually harassed persons regain their dented image and confidence. Don’t waste over think it, all you need to do is reach out to us at Rawa Law Group and we’d work with you to file your sexual harassment claim.


When a family member dies a wrongful death, you do not have to grieve without being compensated for your pains. That is what wrongful death attorneys make sure of. What Is A Wrongful Death? Wrongful death is one in which someone dies due to the negligence or carelessness of another. The pains (of the victim’s surviving circle) in this case can be crushing, laced with annoyance. However, that shouldn’t be seen as the end. You can file for ‘wrongful death’ if you have lost someone to another’s carelessness. The question is; How Can You Be Compensated For The Wrongful Death Of A Loved One? Every state recognizes family heirs as the right ones to file for wrongful deaths when it occurs. The court considers a number of factors before affirming the number of damages the culprit should pay. Issues like loss of companionship, the decease’s savings, expenses for hospital and burial incurred by the deceased family, level of dependence of the family on the deceased and the amount the deceased earned before his/her unfortunate death are all considered before the court can finally pin an amount on the culprit. However, it is a daunting process and can hardly be accomplished without professional help. This is when the need for wrongful death attorneys suffices. A wrongful death attorney can help you through the exhaustive process of filing a wrongful death suit. Fine, we know that a loved one cannot be replaced but some compensation can help to ease the grief. Since the process of filing the suit and receiving compensation for wrongful death varies from state to state, it is paramount that you seek an attorney from a vastly experienced firm, especially one that knows the job inside out. You would also need a warm attorney who understands what it means to be in pains and who can be professional about helping you get back to your feet in no time. As your case is being worked on, you need to be put in the light about the progress. Sometimes, you need to hire attorneys from an agency that would be less strict on their financial requirements like letting you get access to their services without paying a dime. So You Might Want To Ask, Can I Get A Wrongful Accident Attorney Easily? Getting a wrongful death attorney that can deliver the goods is not a walk in the park. It might be hard to find a firm that meets your needs. This should make it easier for you. Rawa Law Group is a place firm where you can find experienced and licensed attorneys who can help you through your journey and file for wrongful death. Good news is you do not have to pay a dime until your case is done and you have been compensated as at when due. You also get to be put in the light as your case is going till the end. You do not have to go through the complexities of the state laws concerning wrongful death alone. Let a professional help you so you can avoid wasting funds and get compensated on time.

The Basic Principles of Personal Injury Law

Personal injury law is an aspect of tort/civil law wired to help injured victims get a reprieve for what has been deliberately or mistakenly done to them. It involves a series of legal steps aimed at securing compensation for victims of personal injury or accident. As earlier stated, the personal injury law system is tailored to help victims get compensation for perceived negligence or intentional act by another individual or group of persons. This compensation can be financial, moral and otherwise. Personal injury rules apply in the following situations: Accidents: When another persons’ misconduct or negligence causes harm to an innocent individual such as a car accident or a doctor’s negligence, personal injury law applies. Defective products: There are instances where a plaintiff uses products made by the defendant and gets hurt. Injuries sustained in such an instance can be grouped as a personal injury because these products are substandard, fake or defective. After the facts have been established and it is confirmed that injuries sustained are a consequence of the consumption of a defective product, the defendant is liable. Defamation: When an individual or group makes deliberate attempts to dent the image of another person, this is termed defamation. In such an instance, personal injury law applies. Defamation can be in the form of an uttered statement or a remark. Intentional act: When an intentional act or deliberate attempt to injure another person results in the said individual sustaining various degrees of injuries, personal injury law comes into play. Assault and battery are two such instances. History of personal injury law The history of modern personal injury law dates back to the old common law. As stated earlier, personal injury law is an aspect of tort law. Most personal injury laws are a result of judicial precedence. What this means is that these laws are not made by decrees, statutes or bills. Another interesting twist is that personal injury laws are not the same in all the states of the federation. Different laws apply to different cities. Therefore, what applies to a plaintiff in New York might differ from that of someone in Texas. How does a personal injury case play out? After the plaintiff is able to prove that the defendant has done something to injure him/her whether knowingly or unknowingly, the injured party contacts a personal injury lawyer. The first thing the lawyer tries to do is to reach an out of court agreement. An out of court agreement implies that the defendant, after agreeing to willfully or unknowingly inflict injury on the plaintiff, makes an offer (usually in monetary form) to the plaintiff. This offer is a form of compensation for the damages caused and it comes with a corresponding promise by the plaintiff not to file a lawsuit or halt every pending court case. If the plaintiff concurs to this offer, the case is closed. However, if the plaintiff doesn’t think the offer is good enough, litigation continues until a competent judge makes a final declaration on the case.

How Does Personal Injury Law Work?

In the United States, personal injury law is classified under civil and tort law. It refers to that aspect of the law that seeks to defend people who suffer injuries to their emotions, mind, and body as a result of negligence, willful blindness, and deliberate act of another individual or organization. Some persons suffer injuries that prevent them from performing any meaningful activities for the rest of their lives when performing their duties or carrying out their contractual obligations towards their employer. Most times, many of these victims are helpless and they need someone to fight for them. Fighting for them involves pressing charges against the culprit and seeking to get compensation for the damage caused. Not anybody can do this. It is only a certain group of persons that have been licensed, schooled and certified to do this. This group of persons is known as personal injury lawyers. They offer legal advice and file legal complaints in court for their clients. It is also the duty of a personal injury lawyer to represent the injured party in the court of law. Personal injury law is a strategic process. These lawyers study the case meticulously and think of every possible outcome and scenario. They don’t just go to court; they first look for a way in which the plaintiff and defendant can settle out of court. It is only when a consensus cannot be reached that the case is brought before a judge in the court of law. To thrive on the job, a personal injury lawyer must have a good spirit and compassion for clients. Without empathy and sympathy, it is impossible to feel the pain of the oppressed. There are different areas of specialization under personal injury law. A personal injury lawyer can choose to specialize in any field based on his/her individual strength and qualities. Without a special ability to analyze and decipher, it is impossible to reach the top of your game as a personal injury lawyer. This is so because the job demands intense collation of data and information. The reward scheme for a personal injury lawyer is different from that of other lawyers. Usually, these types of lawyers aren’t paid on an hourly basis but on a contingency basis. What this means is that if the plaintiff doesn’t win or secure victory, the lawyer may not earn a dime for his effort. However, if victory is secured, a certain percentage of the amount recovered is what the lawyer gets as his reward. There can be little or no complaints about the huge income person injury lawyers earn. This is because a lot of money and effort is put into their training and certification. A bachelor’s degree isn’t enough; these people also obtain a Juris Doctor Law Degree as well as the state’s bar examination. Enrollment in a certification program put together by the American Bar Association is also a key requirement. Have you suffered any injury to your body or ego? Call a personal injury lawyer today.