RAWA Law Group APC

Experienced. Aggressive. Trial Lawyers. Abogados Litigante. Experiencia. Agresividad.


Hire a Dependable Slip and Fall Accident Attorney Westminster, CA

Top Rated a Professional Whittier Slip and fall accident attorney

Whittier Slip and fall accident attorney

Whittier Slip and fall accident attorney‘Slip and fall’ accidents as casual and non-dangerous as this sound is actually a cause of worry. Some people are lucky to have not-very-severe injuries, some are unfortunate to get maimed for life or even suffer wrongful death. You can let a dependable lawyer investigate the cause of the ‘slip and fall’ accident and if the property owner is found guilty, you deserve to be settled for the damage done.

Are you in Westminster, CA? Then you can hire a dependable ‘slip and fall’ attorney in Westminster at our firm, Rawa Law Group.

Rawa Law Group is a superior 5-star law firm that boasts of some of the most dependable injury attorneys in the state of California.

We at Rawa Law Agency have a combined legal experience of more 55 years and have helped many clients recover settlements running into several hundred of millions.

Our services come with a lot of benefits for our Whittier slip and fall accident claimants. You should note that our services include a free consultation. Also, we do not take any upfront costs as we give free case evaluation and investigate whether the property owner was negligent and thus make them pay appropriately. The only time we require any form of payment is after winning the case.

Our attorneys also give proper legal advice with no hidden fees.

You will get all the personal attention and representation you need from our attorney as well as being notified of every move made on your case from the beginning to the end.

Rawa Law Group gives you very flexible hours of appointment so you do not need to worry about your schedule. Our lawyers can even make home and hospital visits if the case warrants such.

To maximize your claim, hire a dependable ‘slip and fall’ accident attorney Westminster, CA today. Consult Rawa Law Group at the address seen below.

Rawa Law Group
5843 Pine Ave
Chino Hills, CA 91709

Practice Areas
Áreas de práctica

5843 Pine Ave Suite A Chino Hills CA 91709






Monday to Friday
From 8:00 am to 5:00 pm