RAWA Law Group APC

Experienced. Aggressive. Trial Lawyers. Abogados Litigante. Experiencia. Agresividad.


Find a Sexual Harassment Attorney near You

Sexual harassment isn’t something to be taken with a pinch of salt. Especially when suffered at your place of work. However, let us first be sure of what the term ‘sexual harassment’ entails.

What’s Sexual Harassment?

When a male or female receives unwanted sexual advances, be it physical or verbal, it is called sexual harassment. Such advances might breed serious tension between the parties involved especially at the workplace.

However, there are words that we might regard to be offensive and think of as sexual altercation which might not necessarily be so according to the law. If you have had any form of such experience and is looking to pick up the case, it is only wise to find a sexual harassment attorney near you.

How Is A Case Of Sexual Harassment Reported?

At a workplace, you do not just go straight to a lawyer if you have been a victim of sexual harassment. Your employer’s policy might not even allow for that. However, you can go over to the Human Resources Manager and tender your case. One of the functions of a sexual harassment attorney is to help you find out who you should tender your case to. Also, in case you are feeling jittery about reporting your case to an employee in the firm (especially if you were harassed by the manager), you can explain the details to the attorney – of course, you might feel calmer and more confident this way.

What a Sexual Harassment Attorney Does

Before a lawyer advises you to file for sexual harassment, he/she will need some clarifications;

  • Is this a sexual harassment case according to the law?
  • Should the case be reported?
  • How can you avoid such incidence in the future?
  • How can you protect yourself from the employer’s wrath?

You might not know how to answer any of these but an attorney can answer them for you.

Filing Charges

There are formal procedures to filing charges against sexual harassment. If it is an employer (your employer), you can file a ‘charge of discrimination’ with you’re the federal EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). There are pros and cons of doing this which will be made known to you by the attorney.

Finding a Reliable Attorney

To get anywhere with your case, you need to find an attorney that is experienced in this type of issues. You need an attorney that understands your pain as a victim of sexual harassment and is willing to help you get justice and protect your right.

Rawa Law Group is a firm that has a team of passionate and experienced lawyers whose goal is fighting for the oppressed – lending a voice to the voiceless. The firm has spent several years in the industry and has helped many sexually harassed persons regain their dented image and confidence.

Don’t waste over think it, all you need to do is reach out to us at Rawa Law Group and we’d work with you to file your sexual harassment claim.