RAWA Law Group APC

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What You Should Know if You Were an Injured Passenger

auto-accident-attorneyIf you were injured in an accident, there is a unique process that you must go through to receive compensation. However, what happens after you have been injured as a passenger in an accident? The first thing you should understand is that an injured passenger will typically have an easier case than an injured driver because liability is not the issue. A passenger injury claim is actually a bit like every other claim in the way that it is a general accident claim – however, it is made against both drivers if two were involved. The passenger must collect information from drivers, file claims with their insurance companies, and complete their medical treatment in full.

If it comes down to it, sometimes a passenger can even file a claim against their own insurance policy to cover the medical treatment and other damages. Filing with their own insurance means that liability is not an issue and the passenger is not required to be at fault in any shape or form. However, receiving income from this method usually means that you will not be able to receive pain and suffering damages as well as lost income or other expenses aside from treatment.

If the Passenger Was at Fault

So, what happens if the passenger was somehow found to be partially at fault for the accident? This has happened in a number of cases in history where a passenger suddenly grabbed a hold of the wheel. Their recovery may then be reduced based on the fault that they shared for the accident. Some states will look at these cases much differently and not pay out anything for a passenger who was even a bit at-fault. (1) In any case, if you are a passenger who has been injured in an accident, you should give us a call today to get started on your case. We will answer all your questions and help you to the best of our ability. Call us today at 844-444-1400.

(1) https://www.hg.org/article.asp?id=29822