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Is Walking and Texting Against the Law?

New Jersey proposed a law that may soon take hold in many other states across the U.S. – a law against distracted walking that texting-and-waking-is-dangeroustargets those who are walking while texting. This new law under consideration would fine pedestrians and even land them in jail under certain circumstances. The reason why? Over the years, experts have been able to show that there is an increasingly high number of deaths caused by pedestrians because of distracted walking. This was as many as 11,101 injuries between 2000 and 2011 caused by this event.

New Jersey assemblywoman Pamela Lampitt proposed the ban on walking while texting no matter what the electronic communication device – unless, of course, they are hands-free. Those who engage in this type of walking and are caught could face the same fines as people who jaywalk, which is up to $50 and as many as 15 days of imprisonment. The fine is used for a good cause, however; the proceeds will go to educating pedestrians on the dangers of walking while texting.

Is This the Start of New Legislation?

Unfortunately, these same laws have been proposed in many other states and denied, such as Arkansas, Illinois, Nevada, and New York. People believe that the government should not intervene in the citizen’s lifestyle this way, however, many other people believe that the laws are good and should be utilized to save lives. Not only does a pedestrian walking while texting pose a hazard to themselves but also to other drivers on the road. In the future, we may see other legislation putting bans on walking while texting – but for now New Jersey remains the one state. (1)

Contact Rawa Law Group APC for more information at the following number 844-444-1400 or visit us at the following website https://www.zrawa.com, to setup a time to discuss your case. We can help you.


(1) https://www.newsweek.com/dont-text-and-walk-441803