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DFEH-151 Discrimination

Balancing Three Female Versus Three Male Workers
What happens if you are working at the same job you have for ten years, and out of nowhere your new supervisor starts making crude, discriminatory comments toward you? Discrimination and harassment is forbidden on an employment level, which means that you may have a claim. So what is Form DFEH-151? This is California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) Form on discrimination in the workplace and what forms it takes.

What is employment discrimination?

The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prohibits harassment and discrimination in the workplace. Here are some of the things that employees are frequently discriminated for:

  • Race
  • Color
  • Religion
  • Gender
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Disability including both mental and physical
  • Age (40 and above)
  • Requests for Pregnancy Disability Leave
  • Medical Conditions

Workers in California are both guaranteed and protected from many things. In other words, they have rights that they are allowed to utilize. When you are hired at a job, it is illegal to be discriminated against or harassed by an employer.

Workers are guaranteed leaves if disabled because of pregnancy, reasonable accommodation for pregnancy, and leave for both birth or adoption of a child or a serious health condition. They are protected from harassment because of the mentioned categories and also from retaliation for filing a complaint, participating in an investigation, or protesting possible violations of the law.

The DFEH believes in the Civil Rights of California. They enforce state laws prohibiting harassment and discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations providing pregnancy leave. They also accept and investigate all complaints that allege hate violence or threats of such. They work to investigate harassment, assist parties to voluntarily resolve complaints, prosecute violations of the law, and educate those living in California of the laws prohibiting harassment by providing written materials and participating in seminars (DFEH).

What Steps Can You Take Against Discrimination?

As an employee, you are entitled to rights to retain a workplace free of discriminatory comments and actions, as well as harassment from a superior. Here are some steps you can take to stick up for yourself if harassment or discrimination is occurring:

  • Employer Awareness: If you feel you are being discriminated against, you should always make your employer aware of how you are feeling. Many acts unfortunately go unrecognized or unpunished because the victim does not speak up or is afraid to say anything. Employers, as well, will typically not admit to the discrimination. You should let them know that you are taking the matter seriously by making a written report every time an action takes place. You can ask for an investigation to take place.
  • Diary/Journal: You can keep a journal of all events that take place that include the date, time, location, parties involved, witnesses, and details surrounding the improper conduct or speech.
  • Keep Objects: If pictures were posted, left for you, or given to you that were of harassing nature, you should keep hold of them. You may find the items upsetting, but it is good to have the proof rather than throw it in the trashcan and lose it.
  • Review Anti-Discrimination Policy: Many employers will put discrimination or harassment information into their policies. This may be beneficial to your case.

An attorney will be able to help you if you have fallen victim to discrimination or harassment in the workplace. They will be able to understand the complex laws that surround this type of issue. An attorney will be able to help you given the fact that they have the experience necessary. Call RAWA Law Group today to find out what you can do about your claim!