RAWA Law Group APC

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The Three Most Harmful Myths People Believe about Workers’ Compensation in California

How much do you think you know about workers’ compensation? Most people think of it in rather simplified terms, and assume that a worker somehow gets hurt on the job and then is able to easily obtain money from his or her employer or the government. That system may be a nice dream, but it certainly isn’t the reality for people who file for workers’ compensation.

Workers’ compensation can take a significant amount of time to file for, often due to the months of doctor’s appointments and legal negotiations. There are currently many people in the state of California dealing with workers’ compensation, and any misinformation that they encounter could affect how their cases work out. At Rawa Law Group, we want to help our clients avoid these commonly held myths about workers’ compensation and get the facts!


Myth: There are millions of people in the state looking for workers’ compensation

This is the commonplace belief that there are tons of people trying to “play the system” by falsely claiming workers’ compensation so that they no longer have to work. California has a population of over 38 million people, yet only 10,581 applications have been currently filed for workers’ compensation. Considering the many millions living in the state, that number seems quite modest. That misconception usually goes hand-in-hand with the myth that…

Myth: People are filing for workers’ compensation to get rich

Some people believe that filing for and getting workers’ compensation is like winning the lottery. They think that people apply, regardless of their health, because they want to sit back and get millions from their employers. The vast majority of people that are applying for workers’ compensation aren’t doing it to get rich; they’re doing it so that they can get by. Most claims merely cover enough for the filers to be able to pay off their medical bills and have a little bit of money to support them while they’re out of work.

Myth: People filing for workers’ compensation don’t need attorneys

Some people assume that the process of getting workers’ compensation is short and simple, and that they won’t really need a lawyer to help fight their case. They think that their employers will make the process easy, or that they have a simple case that should go through easily. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Ask any workers’ compensation attorney in Los Angeles or any other city how well their clients were doing before they found a professional to help them with their cases. An attorney is paid to look out for the best interests of the clients and, if you hire the right one, you’ll be amazed at the help you get.

At Rawa Law Group, we can look over the details of your workers’ comp case and ensure the best chance of success! Our solid representation and particular knowledge of employment and personal injury law will help clients to get the financial help that they need!