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Lead Exposure Causing Medical Trouble for Children

In a recent study fore fronted by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Institutes of Health, researchers have found that young children have the potential to develop severe psychological problems when exposed even the lowest levels of lead. The study, which was published on June 30 in JAMA Pediatrics, suggests that the concentration of lead measured in the blood of more than 1,200 preschoolers in Jintan, China, was high enough to increase the risk of behavioral and emotional problems. These effects, which are still being researched, have ranged between a higher rate of anxiety, depression, and anger.

kid When asked to comment, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that in 2012 the government began relying on 5 micrograms per deciliter reference levels instead of the typical 10 micrograms to identify elevated blood-lead levels in children. The CDC further claims that approximately 4 million homes in the US alone contain youths that are exposed to unsafe amounts of lead. Over half a million of these children between one and five years of age have already been diagnosed with blood levels above the 5 micrograms per deciliter limit, a condition that requires immediate attention from medical professionals.

Many medical professionals have been arguing for the past decade that, in actuality, there is no “safe” amount of excess lead for children to have in their blood. To understand this, our attention must instead look toward international investigation as well as local. Continuing to rely on localized research can create blind spots in findings, which injury lawyers recognize as a common means for litigation. To prevent potential threats, representatives from several firms across California have suggested that companies that utilize lead in products begin procedures to remove the harmful agent completely.

Due to natural body chemistry, children happen to be particularly vulnerable to the toxic effects of lead. Unfortunately, many are still living in an environment where they are constantly exposed to the effects of this substance. Beyond sudden mood changes, the youngest victims have also displayed trouble in healthy brain and nerve development. If you feel as if your child may have been affected by lead due to a company’s inconsiderate nature, contact your local Los Angeles Personal injury lawyer today.